After posting my picture I thought you may want to see the original picture I had to work from. I guess I want to redeem myself and show you that she was kind of hard to paint. Maybe it was not so bad after all.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Different strokes from Different Folks Challenge
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Roosters Again!!
Be looking for my calender for Carson's Grille!! I will post it soon so be sure to email me for a reservation!!
There will be fun for all ages!! I will have "secret Santa" paint nights for the kids to make gifts for mom and dad, grandma or who ever!! Teens will have their nights too!
I am free to do private parties. Email me for details and to get on my calendar!! It is filling up!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wine and Paint Tuscany Night
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
If you missed painting the Rooster, I will be doing a make-up class
Thursday night November 12 at Carson's Grille. (5:30 dinner which is optional)
6:00 paint. Please email me and let me know you are coming!
Be watching for the updated calendar for the remainder of this year and 2010!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Retro 60's party
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wine and Paint-Still life
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Dine and Paint
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
OLIVES Wine and Paint
Friday, October 16, 2009
Dine and Paint Private Tuscany Party
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuscan Landscape
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
"Crabby" afternoon
Tuscan Vinyard
Tuscan Sunset
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sunflower Masterpieces
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wine and Paint #3 Roosters
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunflower Wine and Paint
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Ruler of the Roost
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Crazy Cross
First Annual Wine and Paint
Monday, September 7, 2009
Our First "DINE and PAINT"
By the huge encouragement from my sweet friends, and the need to have fun nights painting on "our side of the mountain" I have started two paint nights. One will be held at Carson's Grille (formerly The Corner) times TBA so watch my blog and for the next 6 weeks in Hampton Cove at the Hampton House starting on September 15. Social time from 5:30-6:00'ish and paint after that. I am so excited to be "teaching" friends and if I can get my husband to come family. It has been sort of a dream of mine to be able to share my creative side with others. NOW the dream has become a reality. I am also looking into another place in Huntsville to have similar classes. If you would like to join us at anytime, please email me at Space is limited at both classes so I will have to take the first 16 painters.
The class is very informal. If you have ever said "I cannot paint, I cannot draw stick figures" YOU will be surprised. I will walk you through the painting and everyone will go home with a masterpiece. I supply everything. At Hampton Cove, the class will be held in the old weight room. BYOB light snacks provided (unless you would like to bring an appetizer). At Carson's Grille, you can either eat or come and visit.
September 15th we will paint Abstract Crosses.
The class on September 15th I have 7 who have contacted me. I will keep you posted via this blog.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
"Supreme" Angels
Tuscan Sunflowers
Mary with Child
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Streets of San Fransisco
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
After Claude Monet's "Irisis"
After Maurice Pendergrast's "Portrait of a Girl with Flowers"
After Winslow Homer's "Flower Garden and Bungalow" in Bermuda
Man in Metal Chair
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
After Claude Monet-Artists Garden at Grerny
Summer's Best
Thursday, June 25, 2009
3rd update from the Crip "Knock Out Cast"
Summer Abundance
Ahh Summer Vegetables
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
#2 update from the CRIP
I wanted to update you on my progress. I went yesterday and had my second visit post surgery and got those nasty stitches out! I now have a highlighter yellow cast. Had to find fun in this miserable venture. I did find out that I have TWO weeks left hauling around fluorescent casts and using my "skinny legs" (the name I have given to my crutches) SO I think my doc was surprised and could not believe I questioned the 2 weeks left in a cast. Last YEAR it was 6. I will have the boot for 10 days-here again-SHOCK to my ears. I pray this will be the end of all this nonsense! I so desire to get outside to paint while things are still pretty. It has just been hard with skinny legs and knock-out casts. I have become a future advocate for the handicapped, may write a book on how to be handicapped in a world that IS handicapped and if anyone wants suggestions how to carry things with skinny legs, deal with daily chores and the best places to visit while handicapped you can call me!! Special thanks to those who have been making encouraging comments on my blog and noticing the paintings or a lack there of. I will revamp my desire and get back on track.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
In all my spare time this summer, I have found in my daily routine is to check out many blogsites. This morning I was looking at one of my newer additions Paint Dance blog and saw a new painter mentioned on the site that I thought would be fun to follow. I added the site to my blog for quick reference. It is Don Sahli's paint studio. I think what I like about his work is that he is not intimidated about using lots of color. I absolutely love color-the more color the better. Check out his site- I have no doubt you will love his work.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Peaceful Night by Maxfield Parrish
I was not sure of painting on paper but felt like trying. I found the paper absorbed the paint quickly.
This is a challenge I did from Following the Masters. This challenge was to pick any of Maxfield Parrish's paintings and paint our version. You are given the liberty to paint what you see or change it and paint it your way. I thought the church was really pretty and the simple colors very comforting. Peaceful Night was painted by Parrish in the 1950's.